Discussion Class Topics

  - Friday the 7th of February -


- Suicides in Japan decrease overall, but increase for young people - 


As the title says, the overall number of suicides in Japan has decreased, which is a great news for a country infamous for its high suicide rate. However, the number of young people taking their own lives has increased.

What could be behind this increase? And what does this mean for the already unstable future of Japan and its population?



Let's discuss this!

Friday the 7th of February -


- Price rises in Japan - 


Another month and another round of price rises in Japan. Food prices in supermarkets have been slowly but steadily increasing over the past few years, but now it seems to be happening more and more often. At the same time, salaries and wages are not increasing. The cost of living in Japan is fast becoming untenable. How can young people be expected to start a family when they can barely afford food, rent, and taxes? 


Why does it seem like food price increases are a regular thing now? And is there any solution to prevent this from becoming a regular thing? Or is Japan on it's way to collapsing economically, where no one can afford basic necessities even when working full time jobs?

Will/Should Japan end it's ridiculous rice policy (where it pays farmers to NOT grow rice, to keep the price artificially high)?



Let's discuss this! 

- Sunday the 9th of February -



- Should calculators be allowed in secondary education math classes? -


The role of calculators in secondary math classes (middle school and high school) has been a hotly debated topic since their promulgation in the 1970s. Advocates say that they allow students to understand higher order mathematics without simple arithmetic mistakes, while detractors say that it prevents students from understanding what exactly what they are inputting means.


Nowadays, in the US, the calculator advocates have won, and almost all students in the US use calculators from the start of middle school, while in Japan, calculator-use generally starts from college. Why did this happen? Should one system switch to the other or do they both have their merits?



Let's discuss this!













水  10:00~21:00

木  10:00~19:00

金  12:00~19:00

土  10:00~17:00

日  11:00~13:00


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