Discussion Class Topics

  - Friday the 14th of February -


- Banning cats from going outdoors - 


A recent report in Scotland has recommended that the Scottish government look into the forced containment of cats. What this means is that pet cats would no long be allowed to go outside. 

Currently, the majority of cat owners in the UK allow their cats outside. It is completely legal and culturally normal.

However the report highlights the threat to wildlife that pet cats pose. Notably, they are responsible for millions of bird deaths every single year in the UK alone. This is a huge problem for the environment. 

So is this a good idea? Should cats be forced to stay in doors? What about the cats' well-being and animal rights? 



Let's discuss this!

Friday the 14th of February -


- Trump's firings - 


Since Trump became the 47th president, he and his team have been firing people all over the various government departments. At the point of writing this, some several thousand people have been fired as a result of Trump's presidency. 

This is supposedly in line with his Make America Great Again plan, to cut waste in government spending, but some say it is putting the government at risk, and the economy in a bad situation, One of the people making some of these decisions seems to be Elon Musk, who notably dismissed something like 60% of Twitter staff when he took it over (and one could argue that nothing really seemed to change about it...so what exactly were all those staff doing?). Well, can Musk and Trump bring those of cuts and spending to the incredibly bloated American government? 



Let's discuss this! 

- Sunday the 16th of February -



- Should unfunded PhD programs be phased out? -


PhD programs in many institutions in the Anglosphere and Europe are viewed more as jobs than student programs. This has led to the expectation that PhD students will be paid positions in those places. However, there are some institutions that do not fund their students, and in Japan this is still the norm. But even with that said many students are able to obtain scholarships (not loans) from outside institutions.


How did this situation arise? Is it appropriate? Should there be an outright ban of unfunded PhD programs or should it be left up to the students to decide? What is the role of outside funding in all of this?



Let's discuss this!













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