行ってきましたバーベキュー♪心配していた雨も、3人の晴れ女さんのパワーで全く気にならない程度でした☀ バーベキュー初めての方もおられましたが、楽しんでいただけましたでしょうか?一人の生徒さんが自撮棒(セルカ棒 Selfie stick)を持って来られて大活躍!あまりの便利さ、すごさにその夜早速私も同じのを購入☆
ご参加いただきました皆さん、本当にありがとうございました!I had a very good time! Thank you so much!
I thoroughly enjoyed my time yesterday at the BBQ. The one thing that most surprised me was how many of you guys had no BBQ experience. I had always believed that Japanese go to many barbecues. We'll have to do this many many more times. And of course, who can forget the scrumptious s'mores. I could eat those everyday. We MUST have a BBQ during Obon. Until next time.....
Mr. B