


隠れん語 8月最終週 〜Serious Health Problems〜

今回のテーマは Serious Health Problems 深刻な病気 です💦



Broken Bones : 骨折

AIDS : エイズ

Cancer : 癌

Tumor : 腫瘍

Hepatitis : 肝炎

Alzheimer's : アルツハイマー病

Parkinson's : パーキンソン病

Arthritis : 関節炎

Syphilis : 梅毒

Diabetes : 糖尿病

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隠れん語 8月2週目 〜Common Health Problems〜




今回のテーマは Common Health Problems 一般的な病気 です。



Cold : 風邪 / Flu : インフルエンザ / Headache : 頭痛 / Fever : 熱 / Toothache : 歯痛 / Chickenpox :  水疱瘡 / Asthma : 喘息 / Bronchitis : 気管支炎 / Fracture : 骨折 / Infection : 感染

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All English Night at the Beer Garden

Thank you very much for coming everyone! I hope everyone had a great time and learned something that you can use for your English studies! ;)


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Discussion week 19 - Friday the 26th and Sunday the 28th of August

 - Discussion Week 19 -


- Friday the 26th of August

 - The Olympic Corruption - 


If you have been following the Olympic Games in Rio, you may have heard of some form of corruption going on in the judging and drug-testing processes.

The mens boxing is wrapped in scandal in where the Irish boxer, who seemingly unscathed from his matched, was "defeated" by his Russian opponent, while his opponent was so heavily beaten that he had to forfeit his next match.

There has also been issues with a Kazakhstani and a US boxer's match being unfairly judged.

Sportsmen and women that have previously tested positive for doping, have been allowed back in competition, and other competitors are unhappy with the possible issues that may have. Also a few athletes have been caught and sent home for testing positive for doping, so it's not completely bad.


Furthermore, there are other issues in Rio other than the corruption, such as pollution, robberies and other crimes happening to athletes from all over the world. Should Brazil even have been allowed to host the Olympics?


Let's talk about that.


- Sunday the 28th of August

 - The Brazilian Unsportsmanlike Behaviour - 


I know Friday's discussion is also about the Olympics, but there is a lot to talk about when it comes to the current games.

If you have been following the Olympic games, you might have seen images of the French pole-vaulter crying on the podium while receiving his silver medal.

The reason he was so upset, is not because he didn't get gold. The reason he got so upset, is because the Brazilian fans 'booed' him at every attempt to pole-vault, as well as 'booed' him when his face showed on the big screen, and even 'booed' him as he went to the podium to receive his medal.

The reason he was treated in such a manner? "Because he's not the Brazilian Competitor"

He was the champion of the sport, and the favourite to win, and the 2nd best was a Brazilian athlete. So in order to break this man's spirit, and help their own country's athlete win, the fans treated this man like dirt.

The Brazilian fans 'booed' the Spanish Basketball team because they were the favourites in their match against Croatia.

Every Russian athlete has been 'booed' by the Brazilian fans.

They 'booed' the German tennis player after he fell injured in his match.


Why are the Brazilian fans so mean?


Let's talk about that.

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All English Night Out at ビアガーデン 参加者募集中!!



日 時 :8月28日(日) 18:30〜20:30 予定 ※雨天中止

場 所 :ホテル京阪

参加費 :食事代実費 ¥3600

定 員 :4〜5グループ(1グループ4〜5名:計16〜25名)


(Charles / Mark / David / New teacher? / Guest?)






※下の写真は前回までのAll English Night Outです。           

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Hello everyone! We hope you are all having a great summer vacation. Thank you all very much for helping us by filling in the questionaire that we sent out!! Everyone's feedback, opinions, feelings and ideas are very important to us, and we hope to be able to continue helping you in the future!

We all hope to be able to improve after reading all of your honest and thoughtful replies.


We will be starting up again on the 18th of August, and we look forward to seeing you all then! The staff are looking forward to having fun with you, and giving you an even more enjoyable learning experience.

Everyone, please have a safe and enjoyable vacation!

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Discussion week 18 - Friday the 19th and Sunday the 21st of August

 - Discussion Week 18 -


- Friday the 19th of August

 - Child Care / Nurseries - 


Why are there not enough child-care centers/nurseries in Japan?

Is this connected to a form of sexism in Japans society?

Furthermore, the world  is becoming more progressive towards women's ability to do what they want to, so why are there still shortages of nurseries?

Is this only an issue in Japan?

Shouldn't there be a large amount of nurseries and child care centers being built now?

In Tokyo, the amount of children on waiting lists to get into child care services has reached over 8000!

What is being done to solve this issue, and why is it taking so long to be fixed?

Do you think that women should just become stay-at-home mothers after they have a child, and with such, there wouldn't be a need for child care services?


Let's talk about that.


- Sunday the 21st of August

 - Pokemon GO - 


I'm sure you've all heard about it, and many of you may even play this game.

But I'm also sure you've heard the bad news that has come with this new sensation.

People have been mugged, robbed, attacked and beaten by criminals using the app to lure people towards them.

People have fallen off cliffs, fallen into lakes, and crashed their cars playing this game.

This game has changed the entire world around us, people who have never even been interested in the Pokemon franchise are now deeply stuck into this game.

Of course there are some good things that come along with this app too, as this is a part of a very large franchise, there are a lot of dedicated fans who, up until now, would play the Pokemon games at home, barely moving, or barely leaving the house(we've discusses Otaku before). But with this app, people are outside, walking, exercising! This is definitely a good thing.. .right?


Is this game going to change the society even more than it has so far?

Is this app good or bad?

Are there any positive effects that can come from this app?

Let's talk about that.

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隠れん語 8月1週目 〜Kinds of candyから




今回のテーマは Kinds of candy キャンディの種類 です。




Lollipop / Gummy Candy / Hard Candy / Soft Candy / Marshmallow / Licorice / Toffee / Taffy / Caramel /Chewing Gum

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水  10:00~21:00

木  10:00~19:00

金  12:00~19:00

土  10:00~17:00

日  11:00~13:00


定休日 毎週月曜日 


prospective teachers